John's life started in the wholesome town of Dallas, Texas.  His little sister was born.  He went to a lot of schools and made friends he still has. Historically, back in 1992, as simple as it was, being 8 years of age and the highest grade in this class of three grades, life was good.  Montessori school was big.  You could be your own person.  There was individualized learning.  The schedule was really strict.  Journal writings from that time of Miss Myers's class (as she was called before she was married), show an abundance of inspirations there: he hated art class, the violin was his best friend there.  He didn't take PE too seriously.  "Why should I?  I was never to get out of shape." 

In 5th grade he was introduced to a young man going by the name of Evan Johnson.  Another artist.  Different from John's style, of course.  Hell, that's how life was until the spring of 1996.  School life was great.  Academic Work was so easy for John that sometimes he would go straight on and complete the assignment right after its assignment.  When he drew, The World Book Encyclopedia was a fine source of artistic assistance.  Cats.  They were always on his mind, maybe in relation to Hidestep (John's first cat.)  His longing to find out what kind she was.  That, and he has always liked them, too.  Of course, the World Trade Center was huge in his mind.  Just study the old documents of his and they are no doubt displayed here and there.  Over time, inspiration came from who knows what source entirely?  He does have a painting that he made of the beach somewhere in Mexico somewhere maybe.  Characters were also made up by Evan and inspired by the movie Gremlins. He enjoyed Catholic (not Montessori) high school after that.  

His art started on his first day of life, but he doesn't remember that. He has only seen evidence of his art.  Puerto Morelos.  Travel.  Emotion.  Creativity. Inspiration.  To make a long story short, all art that John does and possibly has done, well over 50% comes from inspiration from events current and/or in the past, a lot from and/or done at school, of course.  Journals especially.  True story/stories.  He is also a writer and is inspired by other stories--by masters.